

Your rating: 0
10 2 votes

Seasons and episodes

1Season 1 Mar. 03, 2013
2Season 2 Feb. 27, 2014
3Season 3 Feb. 19, 2015
4Season 4 Feb. 18, 2016
5Season 5 Nov. 29, 2017
6Season 6 Dec. 04, 2019




Alex Høgh Andersen isIvar the Boneless
Ivar the Boneless
Marco Ilsø isHvitserk Lothbrok
Hvitserk Lothbrok
Peter Franzén isKing Harald Finehair
King Harald Finehair
Danila Kozlovsky isPrince Oleg of Novgorod
Prince Oleg of Novgorod

Video trailer


The adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the sagas of Ragnar’s band of Viking brothers and his family, as he rises to become King of the Viking tribes. As well as being a fearless warrior, Ragnar embodies the Norse traditions of devotion to the gods. Legend has it that he was a direct descendant of Odin, the god of war and warriors.

IMDb Rating 8.5 482,706 votes
TMDb Rating 8.1 5,034 votes

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